Week 1: Basics of Python and Core Concepts

Day 1Course IntroductionOverview of Python, installation, and setup
Day 2Python Syntax & VariablesSyntax, variables, data types
Day 3Control Flow: Conditionsifelseelif statements
Day 4Control Flow: Loopsfor and while loops
Day 5FunctionsDefining functions, parameters, return values
Day 6Modules and PackagesImporting libraries, using built-in modules
Day 7Review and PracticeReview of Week 1 concepts, Q&A, and practice tasks

Week 2: Advanced Topics and Project Work

Day 8Data Structures: Lists, TuplesCreating and manipulating lists and tuples
Day 9Data Structures: DictionariesCreating and using dictionaries
Day 10File HandlingReading from and writing to files
Day 11Classes and ObjectsIntroduction to object-oriented programming
Day 12Exception HandlingUnderstanding and handling errors
Day 13Final Project IntroductionOutline a project for students to apply concepts
Day 14Project Assistance and Wrap-UpSupport on projects, Q&A, next steps

This table includes foundational topics in the first week, while the second week goes deeper into more advanced concepts and a final project for practical learning.